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Negros pétalos de terciopelo

Ella era una tranquila y limpia sala de espera, soleados días y horribles padres. Ella era una muñequita, un zafiro, una delicada rosa ...

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

To the grille, Skirill Kirill!

Skirill Kirill is a russian metalhead and a graphical artist. Personally I’m in love with his aesthetic, that sends us to a doomed world of darkness, where any Silent Hill resident would feel like at home. His work with the contorted bodies of death-like beings is really awesome. He doesn’t limit his creative power to the dark style, he is also so magnificent in what he does, that he can draw almost anything, from animals with perfect proportions, to, to, well… Santa Claus… Yes, he also has his funny, sweet and colorful side.

Asura: Thank you for your time. It’s really a honor to have such a great artist with us. Could you please share with us your beginnings? Any influence?
Skirill: Nothing special, it came to me in childhood. In one moment I just found that I like drawings and can’t stop till now. Also when I was a child I used to like read the books with many illustrations, I was really inspired by them. There were many well illustrated books in my childhood.

A: What’s the inspiration or your muse to create your work?

S: It can be almost everything: illustration, drawings, literature, ancient legends and religions, music, movies, just real things or events from my environment. In the most cases my inspiration depends from my mood. I found out that I work better when I’m in bad mood, doesn’t matter what exactly I draw. Well, I think it could be that drawing helps me to come back to normal condition, don’t know…

A: You wrote in your website you studied in Московский Государственный Университет Леса (МГУЛ). As a rule that I have found, or the University trigger your better inner, or destroys your illusions, how was it for you there, could you share with us your experience in the University? (but the most important, how do we pronounce it!!!??)
S: Ha ha) On what site do you read that? Just don’t remember when I wrote that, especially on Russian. In English it sounds like Moscow State University of forestry. I was graduated as engineer for standardization and certification, so as you see, my professional education doesn’t connect with art. Can’t say that it had any influence on me as an artist. I just had time to draw on some lections :). When I studied in the university I bought my first PC and discovered the Internet and artists forums. It gave me a lot of information and helps me with further progress.

A: How is the situation of the art in Russia? Do the people like it and support the artist or do they just ignore them? How do you feel about this situation?
S: Well, there are a lot of really cool artist in Russia, much better than me ;) People mostly like the art, there are a lot of exhibitions with many visitors. I think it’s all right.
I don’t have any statistics, but in my opinion it’s all right. The worst thing is that customers still don’t think that illustration costs real money. So there are a lot of offers to draw for small earnings. It’s sad. But in my opinion the situation is coming better.

A: In the art, the message that the people receive may not the same that the artist wants to share. Do you have a message or something special that you want to share to the world, and that nobody has seen yet?
S: Well, it depends what exactly I’m drawing. When it’s cartoon, I want that people have fun while they’re seeing it. When it’s some fanart, I want to show my vision of some sides of the subject, or new ideas for that. If we’re talking about my skeleton-like creatures, which became the most popular things in my drawings… I don’t want to show something special, just images I have. It’s not conceptual art… Sometime they show my mood or some situations in my life, or my meaning of some things.

A: Any artist or person that you admire or look up to?
S: It’s a really plenty of them :) But people who commented my works often said about H.R. Giger and Zdislaw Beksinski. I admire them too. Also I really like Russian painters of IXX-XX centuries.

A: Is this name, Skirill Kirill, your artist name or is it your real name?  
S: My real name is Kirill Semenov. Skirill is just my nickname for deviantart forums. Actually for the Internet I use nickname ‘kirian’ (my friends call me that) but it’s not always possible, because I’m not the one who use it :) .

A: Personally, I like the meanings of the names, what does Skirill Kirill mean?  
S: Nothing. It's just the first letter of my surname and my name. If we’re talking about my name meaning: it’s an ancient greek name which means ‘lord’ or something like that. But I’ve never meant about that.

A: It's hard to me quote the works that I like, because they are too many to tell, but do you have any favorite work?

S: Difficult to say… I think I could do the shortlist, but on next day I would think another way :) Some works I like for the strong emotional side, some for technical side. You know, I don’t have any special education and I don’t think that my technique is very good, so I really like when I do something wich look like a real thing. But unfortunately I don’t do something to improve it. Just don’t have a purpose… May be I’m too lazy…
Anyway, not long time ago I started to do the list of the results for past year, I think it’s closest thing to my shortlist.

A: Do you make art in other forms? Which?
S: Almost no. I work with digital, graphic or mix of them. I’m really bad in colours, so I prefer to do monochromatic works. I’d like to try make some sculpts of my creatures, but still haven’t. May be sometime :) .

A: Are you working for any company right now or are you freelancer?
S: I’m working in IT company wich makes soft and business solutions based on the Internet technologies. I’m the head of quality insurance service. When it’s possible I draw for money and I like it. 

 A: What do you like most, being part of a company or a freelancer, why?
S: A part of company. It means stable earnings. I have family and child, so money is really important for me. While if I were freelancer I couldn’t say when I have offers and how much money they’ll give to me.

A: Where do the people can contact you, and in which languages?

S: On my facebook page, deviantart page or by email. I could speak Russian, and English (well, at least me and my customers from England and USA understand each others).

A: Any final message to the readers?

S: Thank you for your interest in my art and your comments. Actually it was pleasant surprise for me, that so many people started watch me on deviantart. I’m glad to speak with you and always try to answer on your comments. Thank you very much.

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